2 min read
Terraform's coalesce() function can com handy when we have optional arguments coming from several sources and we want to pick one using some preference.
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If you are using Infrastructure as Code you've realized there is something it shouldn't be on a git repository: That's the secrets, we should never store clear-text secrets on a git repository, not even if it's a private repository: Anyone with access to that repository could get them.
How can we securely create secrets as code into the AWS Secrets Manager using terraform?
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Since version 2.8.0 of the Kubernetes provider for terraform, the kubernetes_manifest resource is no longer considered experimental. With this resource we can push any kind of Kubernetes objects using terrraform that doesn't have a specific resource for it:
resource "kubernetes_manifest" "example_km" {
manifest = yamldecode(<<-EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: example-ns
test: example
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Certain operations can cause terraform to try to delete an recreate a resource when we are just trying to move it around within the state, for example renaming a resource
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When we are deploying infrastructure using terraform we need to understand that we should not be modifying what we have deployed, otherwise terraform will undo these changes if we apply it again. This is actually a good thing to make sure the code reflex the state of the infrastructure but sometimes can be a pain