3 min read | by Jordi Prats
On Kubernetes we have lots of different objects, here you can find a quick reference to some of them:
We can also use the CRD generator to create definitions for new objects
A Pod is the smallest deployable objects in Kubernetes, actually some other objects such as Deployment of Job contains a Pod template on it's definition that they will use to create Pods. Here you can find some links related to Pods:
A ConfigMap is a Kubernetes object that lets you store configuration for other objects to use:
The main purpose of a ReplicaSet is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods. It is usually managed using a Deployment
The Deployment object manages the amount of Pod replicas and also provides declarative updates for them
A DaemonSet is a kubernetes object to define the creation of a Pod on every node of the cluster
Using an HorizontalPodAutoscaler we can configure Kubernetes to automatically adjust the number of replicas of a Deployment
By configuring a PodDisruptionBudgets we cn specify for a given set of Pods how they tolerate interruptions
A Job allows you to create Pods to perform a task. If one of the Pods fails it will take care of creating a new one until a given number of executions is reached
The CronJob allows you to schedule the creation of Job objects pretty much as you would do with crontab:
We can rely on Kubernetes to manage Secrets:
Using an Ingress object we can configure how to expose a service externally, typically HTTP services. It may provide load balancing, SSL termination and name-based virtual hosting:
Using LimitRange is a object used for an admission controller that it is intended to enforce resource constraints for a given namespace
A MutatingWebhookConfiguration hold the configuration for the admission controller to make requests to a service that will return a JSON-patch to mutate the object before being applied to the cluster
Network policies are objects that allows you to control the flow of connections to and from pods: