• How to use less with colored output

    2 min read

    If we try to use less on an application with colored output it will get messy like this:

    $ terraform plan | less
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
    plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      ESC[33m~ESC[0m update in-place
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
    ESC[1m  # module.spinnaker.kubernetes_default_service_account.default_saESC[0m will be updated in-placeESC[0mESC[0m
    ESC[0m  ESC[33m~ESC[0mESC[0m resource "kubernetes_default_service_account" "default_sa" {
            ESC[1mESC[0midESC[0mESC[0m                              = "spinnaker-green/default"
            ESC[90m# (2 unchanged attributes hidden)ESC[0mESC[0m
          ESC[31m-ESC[0m ESC[0msecret {
              ESC[31m-ESC[0m ESC[0mESC[1mESC[0mnameESC[0mESC[0m = "default-token-m2z4q" ESC[90m->ESC[0m ESC[0mESC[90mnullESC[0mESC[0m
            ESC[90m# (1 unchanged block hidden)ESC[0mESC[0m
    ESC[0mESC[1mPlan:ESC[0m 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.



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