3 min read
When we don't have the Pod's resources correctly configured we might face the need of moving a Pod to a different node. Although we could change the nodeSelector or adjust the resources to that it gets scheduled on a different node, it might urge us to fix an issue. To do so we can use kubectl drain
At the end of the day what we want it really is "drain the node of that kind of Pods". As kind of by product the node ends up being cordoned so we are sure the Pod won't be scheduled again on the same node.
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If we try to use less on an application with colored output it will get messy like this:
$ terraform plan | less
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
ESC[33m~ESC[0m update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
ESC[1m # module.spinnaker.kubernetes_default_service_account.default_saESC[0m will be updated in-placeESC[0mESC[0m
ESC[0m ESC[33m~ESC[0mESC[0m resource "kubernetes_default_service_account" "default_sa" {
ESC[1mESC[0midESC[0mESC[0m = "spinnaker-green/default"
ESC[90m# (2 unchanged attributes hidden)ESC[0mESC[0m
ESC[31m-ESC[0m ESC[0msecret {
ESC[31m-ESC[0m ESC[0mESC[1mESC[0mnameESC[0mESC[0m = "default-token-m2z4q" ESC[90m->ESC[0m ESC[0mESC[90mnullESC[0mESC[0m
ESC[90m# (1 unchanged block hidden)ESC[0mESC[0m
ESC[0mESC[1mPlan:ESC[0m 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
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Update 10/02/2020: The new version 4.0 of the AWS provider have been released. At this point, all AWS provider plural data sources (like the aws_security_groups) that return an array of results will now return an empty list if zero results are found.
Prior to that, if when trying to use the aws_security_groups data source if the tags did not match any SecurityGroup, terraform would have returned an error instead of an empty list:
data "aws_security_groups" "eks-pod" {
tags = {
"NotAnActualTag" = "WontMatchAnything"
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If we allow a pod to interact with the cluster's API, as long as we have kubectl installed on the container, we don't really need to worry about the kubeconfig file. Although some applications might complain is they don't find it, so we might need to create a fake kubeconfig just to make them happy
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If we want to append a value to a list, using read we will see it like a regular value separated by spaces:
$ vault read -field=bound_iam_role_arn auth/aws-ec2/role/pet2cattle-role
[arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/pet2cattle-role arn:aws:iam::222222222222:role/pet2cattle-role]
But the we cannot just copy and paste the value, otherwise we would be setting it as a single string