6 min read
Unlike Terraform that uses it's own language to deploy Instrastructure as Code (IaC), with Pulumi we can choose between any of the supported programming languages. For this tutorial we are going to use python deploying an object to a Kubernetes cluster
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When building an application we might like to update a different repository to update the app's versions number. For example, if we build a docker containter using a github action we might want to update the tag on the helm repository. This is by default restricted: a github action only has access to it's own repository but we can create a PAT to workaround this problem
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The cluster autoscaler takes into consideration several factors when it chooses a node to remove (evicting it's Pods)
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Sometimes we need a way of telling using a HTTP endpoint the readiness of the service but the service does not provide any of this: For example, a MySQL replica that we need to get in and out of the pool depending on how lagged it is, or a worker node that we want to remove from that pool depending on it's CPU usage...
If we have a command that will tell us whether the service is ready to accept connections, we can use healthcheckd to create a HTTP endpoint to publish it.
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We have 3 API endpoints available to check the current status of the API server. One of them, the healthz endpoint is being deprecated (since Kubernetes v1.16) since the other two (livez and readyz) being more specific