• How to debug a crossplane provider

    4 min read

    crossplane kubernetes troubleshooting debug

    To be able to setup a crossplane provider there are some pieces that need to be aligned to be able to use it. For example, if we want to setup the AWS provider using an IAM Role for ServiceAccount. If something is missaligned, we might end up with an error while creating resources that doesn't really clarify what's the actual error:

    $ kubectl describe bucket.s3.aws.crossplane.io/test-bucket
    Name:         test-bucket
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  crossplane.io/external-name: pet2cattle-demo
    API Version:  s3.aws.crossplane.io/v1beta1
    Kind:         Bucket
      Provider Config Ref:
        Name:  aws-provider
      At Provider:
        Last Transition Time:  2022-02-22T21:43:23Z
        Message:               observe failed: failed to query Bucket: api error MovedPermanently: Moved Permanently
        Reason:                ReconcileError
        Status:                False
        Type:                  Synced
      Type     Reason                         Age               From                                 Message
      ----     ------                         ----              ----                                 -------
      Warning  CannotObserveExternalResource  7s (x6 over 36s)  managed/bucket.s3.aws.crossplane.io  failed to query Bucket: api error MovedPermanently: Moved Permanently


  • Dynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes using StatefulSet

    6 min read

    kubernetes PersistentVolume Deployment StatefulSet

    The basic idea behind a StatefulSet is to be able to manage stateful workloads on Kubernetes, unlike Deployments, creating a unique identity for each Pod using a common spec.

    With this in mind we might just copy the Pod's template from a Deployment to a StatefulSet object to make it stateful, but it's not always quite that simple.


  • How to set filesystem permissions on Volumes for non-root containers

    3 min read

    kubernetes fsGroup Volume

    As a best practice we should try run containers with the minimum privileges they require: If we want to run a container with a non-root user we need to specify the user we want to use with securityContext.runAsUser (unless the container is not already using a non-privileged user).

    By doing so when working with Volumes we might get a Permission denied while accessing the container


  • Managing (safely) Secrets as Code with sops and terraform

    3 min read

    Terraform Secret as code sops git

    If you are using Infrastructure as Code you've realized there is something it shouldn't be on a git repository: That's the secrets, we should never store clear-text secrets on a git repository, not even if it's a private repository: Anyone with access to that repository could get them.

    How can we securely create secrets as code into the AWS Secrets Manager using terraform?


  • Setting up the Vertical Pod Autoscaler

    3 min read

    Kubernetes vpa Pod cluster autoscaler Karpenter

    To be able take advantage of using a Cluster Autoscaler (same applies to AWS Karpenter) we need make sure we properly set the resources any scheduled Pod is requesting to Kubernetes:

    • If we are requesting too much resources, we will be wasting resources
    • If we are requesting too few, the application might end up on a node where it needs to constantly share resources with other Pods

    When we are not use the resources a given Pod or container is going to use, we can use the Vertical Pod Autoscaler to help us define them



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