Kubernetes running out of Pods

2 min read | by Jordi Prats

If you try to run too many pods on a handful of nodes you might eventually run out of available Pods. Using kubectl get pods you'll see them marked with the status OutOfpods:

$ kubectl get pods
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-59hvf            0/1     ContainerCreating   0                44s
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-7dvs9            0/1     OutOfpods           0                62s
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-btrwz            0/1     OutOfpods           0                4m16s
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-gpkkg            0/1     OutOfpods           0                91s
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-hbbdv            0/1     OutOfpods           0                67s
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-j75x4            0/1     OutOfpods           0                68s
test          deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-s4qzz            0/1     OutOfpods           0                64s

Each Kubernetes flavor might have it's own way of changing the maximum number of Pods but there are some hard limits. For example, due to the available addresses, on GKE there's a hard limit of just 110 pods per node.

If we take a look at the Kubernetes documentations for large clusters it specifies that is is designed to handle configurations that meet all of the following criteria:

  • No more than 110 pods per node
  • No more than 5000 nodes
  • No more than 150000 total pods
  • No more than 300000 total containers

If we try to push these limits we might hit other issues

Posted on 11/03/2022
