1 min read
One mistake on the .aws/config can lead to a very confusing error message:
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
botocore.exceptions.ConfigParseError: Unable to parse config file: /home/pet2cattle/.aws/config
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When running a ROSA cluster (OpenShift on AWS) we might need to get it's Identity provider (OIDC) for, for example, configure STS (IRSA). We can get it directly from the cluster reading the Authentication object
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When we are using an ExternalSecret the actual secret is stored elsewhere, being the External Secret Operator in charge of updating the Secret object with the datata if fetches from the SecretStore. What happens when the Secret is updated?
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The best way of handling secrets is not having to: When we rely on Crossplane to create cloud resources (such as a RDS instance) we can configure it to create a secret with it's credentials so that we don't have define any secret beforehand
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Amazon has recently released a set of controllers (actually they are operators because they are using CRDs) to create resources on AWS using Kubernetes objects. It works in the same way it crossplane works
Let's install an test the ACK S3