• Unable to reach LocalStack when running it with colima

    3 min read

    LocalStack colima could not connect to LocalStack health endpoint

    If we try to run localstack using colima we might face the following error:

    $ localstack status services
     ERROR: could not connect to LocalStack health endpoint at http://localhost:4566


  • Install minikube on an Apple Sillicon without Docker Desktop

    4 min read

    minikube docker colima apple M1 arm64 apple sillicon

    If you try to install minikube on an Apple Sillicon (such as Apple M1, M2...) you will face that some hypervisors doesn't support arm64 yet. Using Docker Destop, on the other hand, has recently changed it's license so it might not be suitable to you

    $ minikube start
    😄  minikube v1.26.1 on Darwin 12.5.1 (arm64)  Automatically selected the parallels driver. Other choices: ssh, qemu2 (experimental)
      Exiting due to DRV_UNSUPPORTED_OS: The driver 'parallels' is not supported on darwin/arm64
    $ minikube start --driver docker
    😄  minikube v1.26.1 on Darwin 12.5.1 (arm64)  Using the docker driver based on user configuration
    💣  Exiting due to PROVIDER_DOCKER_NOT_RUNNING: "docker version --format -" exit status 1: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///Users/jordiprats/.rd/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
    💡  Suggestion: Start the Docker service
    📘  Documentation: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/docker/

    There are several alternatives to Docker Desktop but the one that I found more convenient and easier to install is Colima



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