• AWS Lambda: fork/exec /var/task/demo: exec format error: PathError null

    2 min read

    AWS Lambda format error

    Executing a lambda function we might find that if fails with the following error:

    2023-02-04T21:15:33.723+01:00 START RequestId: 7cb12d0d-1e8c-4a8d-485a-0f5dced9a545 Version: $LATEST
    2023-02-04T21:15:33.723+01:00 fork/exec /var/task/demo: exec format error: PathError null
    2023-02-04T21:15:33.724+01:00 END RequestId: 7cb12d0d-1e8c-4a8d-485a-0f5dced9a545


  • AWS CLI in alpine

    1 min read

    alpine awscli pip

    The AWS CLI is a command line interface for interacting with AWS services. To install it in an Alpine-based container we can use pip instead of going thru all the trouble of downloading a zip and install it by running some script.


  • Lambda functions: Allow lambda function to use VPC

    2 min read

    AWS Lambda IAM

    Lambda functions sometimes might need to interact with other AWS services that depending on how we are configuring it might need some explicit permissions to be set.


  • sceptre: Using Stack Outputs for Dependent CloudFormation Stacks

    2 min read

    sceptre stack_output AWS CloudFormation

    Sceptre is a command-line tool that allows you to manage AWS CloudFormation stacks. One of the features of sceptre is the ability to use stack outputs in other stacks, allowing you to create a dependent relationship between stacks, where one stack's output can be used as an input to another stack.


  • External Secrets Operator: Using versioned secrets from the AWS Secrets Manager

    2 min read

    Kubernetes ExternalSecret Secrets Manager AWS versions

    When using the AWS Secrets Manager, every time a secret is updated, it creates a new version with a unique uuid. It will also update the VersionStages AWSCURRENT and AWSPREVIOUS to point to the current and the previous version. We can use them with the External Secrets Operator to retrieve the current and the previous version of a secret



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