2 min read
Prometheus Pushgateway is a component of the Prometheus monitoring system that allows for the collection of time-series data that cannot be scraped: It allows you to push metrics instead of having to wait for prometheus to scrape them
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In order to build binaries for multiple architectures, we can use GoReleaser together with Github Actions so that they get built automatically when we create a release.
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When you have several kubernetes objects (CRDs) that work together it can be useful to be able to query them all together to get a better idea of what's deployed without having to query all the individial resources. With operator-SDK we just need to annotate the objects.
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Sometimes might be difficult to tell how some subject (User, ServiceAccount, ...) is able to perform a certain task: What's the Role or ClusterRole granting some permission?
For this we can use the searchrule plugin.
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Openshift provides an object that tracks the number of requests made to the Kubernetes API server. It provides insights into the load on the cluster, the performance of applications, and helps in capacity planning. By monitoring APIRequestCount, you can identify potential bottlenecks, detect unusual spikes in traffic, and optimize resource allocation.
$ kubectl get apirequestcounts
alertmanagerconfigs.v1alpha1.monitoring.coreos.com 6 1706
alertmanagers.v1.monitoring.coreos.com 20 2891
apiservices.v1.apiregistration.k8s.io 994 99521