4 min read
To be able to configure SecurityGroups at the Pod level, we have two very differentiated tasks:
Let's take a look at what needs to be done on the cluster side.
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Some applications might temporally not being able to server traffic due to some work it is doing: For example, loading data, contacting with external services... If we want to have a way to temporally disable traffic without restarting the application we will need to configure a readinessProbe
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Every application will, eventually, fail. In order to detect that the container is failing and being able to recover this situation by restarting it we can use the livenessProbe.
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If we want just a subset of Pods to be able to be scheduled on a given node we can achieve it using taints and tolerations
With a taint we can tell the cluster not to schedule Pods on this node, but with a toleration on a Pod we can allow it to tolerate this taint
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Sometimes when we are writing a helm chart we realize that we have some parts of the task that need to be performed before of after deploying certain objects. We can also need to execute some Jobs in order to, for example, update the database, but not continuously, just when we update the application.
To handle this kind of situations we can use helm hooks