• Traefik Ingress controller: How to to redirect all http traffic to https

    2 min read

    traefik redirect http https ingress helm

    If you want to redirect all your HTTP requests to HTTPS, we can configure Traefik to do it for all the Ingress object we have configured


  • K3s: Upgrade your Traefik ingress controller to version 2

    2 min read

    traefik k3s upgrade

    If you have K3s' system-upgrade-controller installed you might have noticed how charts appear under /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/static/charts but your traefik Ingress controller is not being updated:

    # pwd
    # ls -lrt
    total 104
    -rw------- 1 root root 27292 May 21  2021 traefik-1.81.0.tgz
    -rw------- 1 root root   914 Nov 21 17:19 traefik-crd-9.18.2.tgz
    -rw------- 1 root root 17008 Nov 21 17:19 traefik-9.18.2.tgz
    -rw------- 1 root root   914 Dec  3 07:14 traefik-crd-9.18.201.tgz
    -rw------- 1 root root 17041 Dec  3 07:14 traefik-9.18.201.tgz
    -rw------- 1 root root 17685 Dec 22 19:07 traefik-10.3.001.tgz
    -rw------- 1 root root  7396 Dec 22 19:07 traefik-crd-10.3.001.tgz


  • Generate public SSH key from existing private SSH key

    1 min read

    To be able to successfully connect using SSH keys we need to have the private key on the client side and the public key set on the server side (where we want to connect). If we only have the private key, we can generate a public SSH key from it


  • How risky it really is to run a Pod with privileged: true?

    3 min read

    kubernetes privileged pod

    When running containers, by default we will have an isolation between the host and the running container: you cannot access the host’s resources. But when you run a Pod with the privileged flag, you are effectively disabling this isolation making it equivalent to running that process as root on the host server.


  • Enforce resource tagging on AWS using an IAM policy

    2 min read

    It is good practice to tag all the resources on AWS to be able to better keep track of them: Using these tags we can have a better understanding of where we are spending our money into. So, we might want to enforce tagging to the resources: This is something we can achieve using an IAM policy



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