2 min read
If you try to run too many pods on a handful of nodes you might eventually run out of available Pods. Using kubectl get pods you'll see them marked with the status OutOfpods:
$ kubectl get pods
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-59hvf 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 44s
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-7dvs9 0/1 OutOfpods 0 62s
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-btrwz 0/1 OutOfpods 0 4m16s
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-gpkkg 0/1 OutOfpods 0 91s
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-hbbdv 0/1 OutOfpods 0 67s
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-j75x4 0/1 OutOfpods 0 68s
test deploy-test-84b4fdcbbd-s4qzz 0/1 OutOfpods 0 64s
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Terraform's coalesce() function can com handy when we have optional arguments coming from several sources and we want to pick one using some preference.
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When a container in a Pod is crashing sometimes it's logs are not enough to fully understand what's going on. One way to approach this situation the command it runs to something that won't make Kubernetes restart the container: For example a sleep command
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If we take a look all the possible properties for a Pod definition we might notice that there's one to limit the time a Pod can be running:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test
activeDeadlineSeconds: 10
- args:
- sleep
- 24h
image: alpine
name: test
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For Kubernetes a Deployment is an object to define a Pod that is intended to permanently run on the cluster, so there's no native way to refresh it's Pods. To do so we can install the bestby controller.