• The truth behind Pulumi's AWS provider

    2 min read

    Pulumi Terraform provider AWS

    If when writing Pulumi code to deploy to AWS ever got the feeling that you where using some interface to write terraform code (HCL), there might be a reason for you to get that feeling.


  • Use a letsencrypt certificate on Kubernetes with cert-manager and Traefik

    4 min read

    traefik k3s ingress letsencrypt cert-manager

    To be able to automatically request letsencrypt certificates for the TLS-eanble Ingress objects in a kubernetes cluster with the traefik ingress controller we can use the cert-manager controller.


  • Running tcpdump on an OpenShift cluster

    3 min read

    OpenShift tcpdump troubleshooting

    If we want to take a look at the network traffic that we get out of an OpenShift node we can use the oc debug command to spin up a privileged pod with tcpdump installed. This way we don't need to ssh into the worker node.


  • Automatically stablish a SSH tunnel to connect to k8s with kubectl

    4 min read

    Kubernetes k3s SSH tunnel

    Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform used by many organizations to deploy and manage their applications. Interacting with a Kubernetes cluster requires configuring the kubeconfig file with the necessary credentials. However, managing these credentials can be challenging, especially in scenarios where a bastion host or SSH tunnel is required.

    With kubectl-tokensshtunnel we can automate the process of creating an SSH tunnel to a remote server and retrieving the Kubernetes credentials from there. This tool simplifies access to remote Kubernetes clusters by securely caching the credentials for a specified duration.


  • Simplifying Input Parameters in Pulumi and AWS CDK Libraries

    2 min read

    Pulumi AWS CDK input parameters string pointers

    Some libraries require you to use string pointers or custom objects for some input parameters, notable examples are Pulumi and AWS CDK. If we only need to provide some static value for it can be annoying to use.



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