• Backup and restore a K3S cluster

    3 min read

    k3s backup restore etcd

    If we have a K3S Kubernetes cluster that we want to create a backup of, we can use the k3s etcd-snapshot, but that's just going to backup the information related to Pods and other Kubernetes objects, it won't backup data that resides outside of the cluster such as disks (PersistentVolumes, emptyDirs, ...), or even it's state.

    Having clarified that we are just going to backup some of the data, let's take a look how to do it.


  • Deploy a lambda function using terraform

    4 min read

    AWS Lambda terraform aws_lambda_function archive_file

    To be able to deploy a lambda function there are several pieces that need to be deployed:

    • IAM roles: It might need to access to the AWS API, so we need to create an IAM role to control it's privileges
    • Triggering: We might want the function to get triggered with some event (that's what we are going to do on this post) or a load balancer
    • Code: What we want to execute
    • Lambda function itself


  • Configure an AWS Load Balancer to target an Autoscaling Group using terraform

    3 min read

    Terraform AWS load balancer target auto scaling group

    It's quite convenient to be able to configure a AWS Load Balancer to target an Auto Scaling Group so we don't have to handle how instances are getting in and out of this load balancer. This can be done easily using terraform as follows


  • How to use aws s3 sync command

    2 min read

    Similarly on how we use the rsync command to copy content across the filesystem and even across servers, we can use aws s3 sync to not only sync files between the computer we are running it and an S3 bucket but also between S3 buckets


  • Enable access logs for an AWS ALB using terraform

    2 min read

    To be able to collect access logs it might be just more convenient to be able to enable them at the load balancer level rather than having to aggregate logs from all the backend services. If we are using an AWS ALB we can configure it to push it's logs to an S3 bucket



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