• External Secrets Operator with Vault

    3 min read

    Kubernetes Vault ExternalSecret

    The External Secrets Operator can be configured to retrieve secrets from Vault, to demonstrate this we are going to use a test vault running on Kubernetes.


  • Simulate a OpenShift cluster using CRD objects

    3 min read

    OpenShift Kubernetes CRD

    Openshift has some objects that doesn't exists on Kubernetes such as Project or Route. If we try to push one of these OpenShift objects into a vanilla Kubernetes we'll get an error:

    $ kubectl apply -f route.yaml
    error: resource mapping not found for name: "demo-route" namespace: "" from "route.yaml": no matches for kind "Route" in version "route.openshift.io/v1"
    ensure CRDs are installed first

    For CI/CD we might not need a fully features OpenShift cluster, just being able to push the objects might be enough, with the CRD generator we can create the needed CRDs to be able to create these OpenShift objects


  • Updating secrets using the External Secrets Operator

    3 min read

    Kubernetes Secret ExternalSecret Operator update

    When we are using an ExternalSecret the actual secret is stored elsewhere, being the External Secret Operator in charge of updating the Secret object with the datata if fetches from the SecretStore. What happens when the Secret is updated?


  • Configure HTTP to HTTPS redirect using traefik's IngressRoute

    2 min read

    traefik redirect http https IngressRoute

    When using the Traefik ingress controller there are several ways of redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS, one of the ways is using IngressRoute (Traefik 2)


  • Crossplane: (not) handling secrets when defining resources

    3 min read

    crossplane kubernetes postgres RDS secret

    The best way of handling secrets is not having to: When we rely on Crossplane to create cloud resources (such as a RDS instance) we can configure it to create a secret with it's credentials so that we don't have define any secret beforehand



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