2 min read
When using namePrefix or nameSuffix to change the names of the resources we are deplying using Kustomize, we need to make sure the cross object references get updated as well.
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We can build containers from within a Kubernetes cluster using Kaniko using Pods or use some framework to streamline the process such as Shipwright that uses tekton pipelines to actually run the process. We can skip Shipwright and create directly tekton pipelines.
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Although it's shouldn't be like this, resources ordering can play an important role to successfully deploy your application. We can use ArgoCD's phases and sync waves to tell it how (object dependencies) to deploy the manifest.
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Sometimes it comes handy to be able to set values using options instead of having to create a values files. Setting a value is quite trivial:
helm install argocd argo/argo-cd -n argocd --set 'server.ingress.enabled=true'
But how do we setup an array variable?
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Having a Role or ClusterRole giving permissions to different apiGroups for different reasons makes it difficult to track and, later on, to maintain. By splitting the permissions on logical groups allows us to give predefined groups of permissions to the actual Role.