2 min read
When running an OpenShift cluster we'll find that it exposes a web-based console that not only allows you to deploy applications, but also managing the cluster. However, since it is an additional way to access the cluster we might have some concerns about it, specially from the security perspective. Specifically, the console can be a potential attack vector to gain unauthorized access to the cluster. Let's see how to disable it.
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In Kubernetes some times we talk about controllers and operators as if they are interchangeable. Some times they are, but there's a difference that in some cases makes it incorrect.
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Immutable infrastructure is a method of managing infrastructure where resources are replaced, rather than modified. Being able to create new instances easily, servers become disposable: cattle, not pets.
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To update a kubernetes object we can use kubectl apply or kubectl replace, but depending on what and how we want it updated we need to use one or the other.
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We can tell Kustomize to render a helm chart using the --enable-helm flag. In order to render it in the same way using ArgoCD, we'll have to create a plugin that will have this flag.