2 min read
Executing a lambda function we might find that if fails with the following error:
2023-02-04T21:15:33.723+01:00 START RequestId: 7cb12d0d-1e8c-4a8d-485a-0f5dced9a545 Version: $LATEST
2023-02-04T21:15:33.723+01:00 fork/exec /var/task/demo: exec format error: PathError null
2023-02-04T21:15:33.724+01:00 END RequestId: 7cb12d0d-1e8c-4a8d-485a-0f5dced9a545
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The AWS CLI is a command line interface for interacting with AWS services. To install it in an Alpine-based container we can use pip instead of going thru all the trouble of downloading a zip and install it by running some script.
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NFS (Network File System) protocol allows users to share files and directories over a network. When exporting a directory over NFS, there are two options that can be specified to control the behavior of root users: no_root_squash and root_squash.
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One of Go's great features is the ability to cross-compile your code for different platforms and architectures, allowing you to run your applications on a variety of systems.
To do so we won't need to install emulators or additional tools, we are just going to use the go command
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Lambda functions sometimes might need to interact with other AWS services that depending on how we are configuring it might need some explicit permissions to be set.