3 min read
If we try to run localstack using colima we might face the following error:
$ localstack status services
✖ ERROR: could not connect to LocalStack health endpoint at http://localhost:4566
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System uptime can be useful for both casual competitions among friends to see who has the system with the longest uptime, as well as for more practical purposes such as identifying if a problem is caused by a system restart. In this article, we will explore two methods for obtaining the uptime on Windows systems.
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When we create Makefile targets, we are actually defining "file targets": Make will try to create these files running the commands we are defining:
But sometimes we want to create some targets that do not represent physical files in the file system. A good example of that are the "clean" targets (as in make clean
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Executing a lambda function we might find that if fails with the following error:
2023-02-04T21:15:33.723+01:00 START RequestId: 7cb12d0d-1e8c-4a8d-485a-0f5dced9a545 Version: $LATEST
2023-02-04T21:15:33.723+01:00 fork/exec /var/task/demo: exec format error: PathError null
2023-02-04T21:15:33.724+01:00 END RequestId: 7cb12d0d-1e8c-4a8d-485a-0f5dced9a545
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The AWS CLI is a command line interface for interacting with AWS services. To install it in an Alpine-based container we can use pip instead of going thru all the trouble of downloading a zip and install it by running some script.