1 min read
When you are handling helm chart dependencies using helm itself you might face the situation where you don't want to install a dependency based on some condition. Using the Chart.yaml file we can configure it to optionally load a dependency
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We can define dependencies you our helm charts using the dependencies key on the Chart.yaml file:
- name: gatekeeper
version: "3.9.0"
repository: "https://open-policy-agent.github.io/gatekeeper/charts"
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If you are using Vault for storing secrets, it is desirable to have a different Vault for testing, CI and development. Having to setup an alternate production-grade Vault can be just not worth it (specially for volatile environments)
For local environments it comes handy to use the dev server mode, for Kubernetes we can use the pet2cattle/helm-testvault to deploy it as an in-cluster service
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When writing helm charts being able to specify the files to use for ConfigMap or a Secret objects is way more convenient than having the object already rendered. Using .Files.Glob we can tell help to import a set of files into the object
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On ArgoCD an Application is a group of resources defined from a given source, for example, a helm chart. To create it we can use the argocd cli tool or create it declaratively as any other Kubernetes object using a manifest