• Update a different repository using a github action

    2 min read

    github update repository commit checkout

    When building an application we might like to update a different repository to update the app's versions number. For example, if we build a docker containter using a github action we might want to update the tag on the helm repository. This is by default restricted: a github action only has access to it's own repository but we can create a PAT to workaround this problem


  • Prevent a Pod being evicted by the cluster autoscaler

    2 min read

    kubernetes pod affinity node podAntiAffinity

    The cluster autoscaler takes into consideration several factors when it chooses a node to remove (evicting it's Pods)


  • Return HTTP status codes based on an arbitrary script

    3 min read

    Sometimes we need a way of telling using a HTTP endpoint the readiness of the service but the service does not provide any of this: For example, a MySQL replica that we need to get in and out of the pool depending on how lagged it is, or a worker node that we want to remove from that pool depending on it's CPU usage...

    If we have a command that will tell us whether the service is ready to accept connections, we can use healthcheckd to create a HTTP endpoint to publish it.


  • How to check the status of the API server

    2 min read

    kubectl get --raw

    We have 3 API endpoints available to check the current status of the API server. One of them, the healthz endpoint is being deprecated (since Kubernetes v1.16) since the other two (livez and readyz) being more specific


  • Kubernetes: How to evict a Pod from a node

    3 min read

    When we don't have the Pod's resources correctly configured we might face the need of moving a Pod to a different node. Although we could change the nodeSelector or adjust the resources to that it gets scheduled on a different node, it might urge us to fix an issue. To do so we can use kubectl drain

    At the end of the day what we want it really is "drain the node of that kind of Pods". As kind of by product the node ends up being cordoned so we are sure the Pod won't be scheduled again on the same node.


  • How to use less with colored output

    2 min read

    If we try to use less on an application with colored output it will get messy like this:

    $ terraform plan | less
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
    plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      ESC[33m~ESC[0m update in-place
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
    ESC[1m  # module.spinnaker.kubernetes_default_service_account.default_saESC[0m will be updated in-placeESC[0mESC[0m
    ESC[0m  ESC[33m~ESC[0mESC[0m resource "kubernetes_default_service_account" "default_sa" {
            ESC[1mESC[0midESC[0mESC[0m                              = "spinnaker-green/default"
            ESC[90m# (2 unchanged attributes hidden)ESC[0mESC[0m
          ESC[31m-ESC[0m ESC[0msecret {
              ESC[31m-ESC[0m ESC[0mESC[1mESC[0mnameESC[0mESC[0m = "default-token-m2z4q" ESC[90m->ESC[0m ESC[0mESC[90mnullESC[0mESC[0m
            ESC[90m# (1 unchanged block hidden)ESC[0mESC[0m
    ESC[0mESC[1mPlan:ESC[0m 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.


  • Terraform: aws_security_groups empty list of SecurityGroups

    2 min read

    terraform provider AWS aws_security_groups

    Update 10/02/2020: The new version 4.0 of the AWS provider have been released. At this point, all AWS provider plural data sources (like the aws_security_groups) that return an array of results will now return an empty list if zero results are found.

    Prior to that, if when trying to use the aws_security_groups data source if the tags did not match any SecurityGroup, terraform would have returned an error instead of an empty list:

    data "aws_security_groups" "eks-pod" {
      tags = {
         "NotAnActualTag" = "WontMatchAnything"


  • Creating a fake kubeconfig using kubectl

    1 min read

    If we allow a pod to interact with the cluster's API, as long as we have kubectl installed on the container, we don't really need to worry about the kubeconfig file. Although some applications might complain is they don't find it, so we might need to create a fake kubeconfig just to make them happy


  • Vault: Append a value to a list

    2 min read

    If we want to append a value to a list, using read we will see it like a regular value separated by spaces:

    $ vault read -field=bound_iam_role_arn auth/aws-ec2/role/pet2cattle-role
    [arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/pet2cattle-role arn:aws:iam::222222222222:role/pet2cattle-role]

    But the we cannot just copy and paste the value, otherwise we would be setting it as a single string


  • Kubernetes: get logs from an already restarted container

    2 min read

    kubernetes kubectl logs

    If we need to investigate why a container keeps restarting, a good place to start is taking a look at the logs when it crashes. Since Kubernetes will automatically restart a failed container, if we use kubectl logs we will get the logs of the restarted container instead of the one that have crashed:

    $ kubectl logs ampa-7d98c84675-dpzjw -c ampa 
    [2021-10-15 14:20:41 +0000] [1] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.4
    [2021-10-15 14:20:41 +0000] [1] [INFO] Listening at: (1)
    [2021-10-15 14:20:41 +0000] [1] [INFO] Using worker: sync
    [2021-10-15 14:20:41 +0000] [8] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 8

    How can we retrieve the logs of the previous container?



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From pet to cattle
Treat your kubernetes clusters like cattle, not pets