2 min read
If we are modifying a provider, to be able to properly test it we might want to run a terraform plan or apply using this provider. To be able to override a given provider using this method (dev_overrides) we will need to use terraform v0.14 or later
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Some of the resources we create using terraform might be externally changed, for example an AutoScalingGroup desired_capacity can be changed externally (not modifying terraform's state) in order to handle more traffic. That's the case for the worker's ASG on an EKS cluster, which will be usually modified by the cluster autoscaler
Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform
Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply":
# module.eks.aws_autoscaling_group.workers["pet2cattle_eu-west-1a"] has been changed
~ resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "workers" {
~ desired_capacity = 7 -> 6
id = "pet2cattle_eu-west-1a2021082509502468370000000a"
name = "pet2cattle_eu-west-1a2021082509502468370000000a"
# (22 unchanged attributes hidden)
# (16 unchanged blocks hidden)
Unless you have made equivalent changes to your configuration, or ignored the relevant attributes using ignore_changes, the following plan may include actions to undo or respond to these changes.
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If you want to write a browser plugin that replaces strings on webpages the easiest method is by doing it using Javascript. So, to replace a in a webpage a string for another we can use the following Javascript code:
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\bA\b/g, "B");
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Starting terraform 0.15 variables can be marked as sensitive, so it won't appear in plain text as a terraform output unless we explicitly request them. But we can also make the variable as non sensitive using the nonsensitive() function
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If you have several terraform projects for handling the deployment of a part of the application and you want to consolidate it into a single project, you can create a new terraform state and import all the resources using terraform import or you can use tfstate-merge to copy resources to the new state to consolidate it
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When we enable tracing terraform using TF_LOG the output can be overwhelmingly hard to read due to the amount of info it's printed. Using TF_LOG_PATH we can tell terraform to save all the debug info to a file so we can see the usual output and be able to check the logs later on
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If we want to connect to an AWS EKS cluster using kubectl we need to update our kubeconfig (~/.kube/config) To do se we can use awscli
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Using a github action we can make it search for a given string an replace it for another when we commit the data. It can be useful to fix common mistakes