• Argo Workflows: Using the exit handler

    2 min read

    argo workflows kubernetes exit handler template

    An exit handler is a template that always executes at the end of a workflow (regardless of whether it completed successfully or returned an error). You can use this run any action, for example: to send notifications after a workflow runs, post the status of the workflow to a webhook, clean up artifacts or run another workflow.


  • Argo Workflows: How to actually run a task in a Workflow

    5 min read

    argo workflows kubernetes templates container script resource suspend

    When we are creating a Workflow in Argo Workflows, we need to define the tasks that we need to do. These tasks are defined using templates: They are the building blocks of a Workflow, defining how each task will be executed.


  • Build and Push Container Images in Kubernetes with Argo Workflows

    2 min read

    argo workflows build push Kubernetes

    Building container images directly in Kubernetes offers a streamlined and efficient way to manage your containerized applications. Tools like Kaniko allow you to build container images inside Kubernetes Pods. In this post, instead of using other frameworks like Tekton or Shipwright, we'll define our custom pipeline directly with Argo Workflows.


  • Getting started with Argo Workflows

    6 min read

    argo workflows kubernetes containerized jobs DAGs directed acyclic graphs

    Argo Workflows is a open-source container-native workflow engine designed to run containerized jobs in Kubernetes clusters, similar to tekton.

    It uses DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) or step-based workflows that will run each in a container.



From pet to cattle
Treat your kubernetes clusters like cattle, not pets