• Enable access logs for an AWS ALB using terraform

    2 min read

    To be able to collect access logs it might be just more convenient to be able to enable them at the load balancer level rather than having to aggregate logs from all the backend services. If we are using an AWS ALB we can configure it to push it's logs to an S3 bucket


  • Kubernetes: volume node affinity conflict

    4 min read

    While trying to deploy Pods we might notice the on the Events section that Pod cannot be scheduled due to a volume node affinity conflict:

    $ kubectl describe pod website-365-flask-ampa2-ha-member-1 -n website-365 
    Name:           website-365-flask-ampa2-ha-member-1
    Namespace:      website-365
    Priority:       0
    Node:           <none>
    Labels:         (...)
    Annotations:    (...)
    Status:         Pending
    IPs:            <none>
    Controlled By:  StatefulSet/website-365-flask-ampa2-ha-member
    Init Containers:
      Type           Status
      PodScheduled   False 
        Type:       PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
        ClaimName:  volume-website-365-flask-ampa2-ha-member-1
        ReadOnly:   false
      Type     Reason             Age                      From                Message
      ----     ------             ----                     ----                -------
      Normal   NotTriggerScaleUp  31m (x20835 over 7d19h)  cluster-autoscaler  pod didn't trigger scale-up: 2 node(s) had taint {pti/role: system}, that the pod didn't tolerate, 1 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict
      Normal   NotTriggerScaleUp  95s (x46144 over 7d19h)  cluster-autoscaler  pod didn't trigger scale-up: 1 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict, 2 node(s) had taint {pti/role: system}, that the pod didn't tolerate
      Warning  FailedScheduling   64s (x2401 over 43h)     default-scheduler   0/4 nodes are available: 2 node(s) had taint {pti/role: system}, that the pod didn't tolerate, 2 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.


  • How to update terraform modules

    5 min read

    terraform init upgrade git

    When we change the location of any terraform module we need to run terraform init again to be able to pick up the right version:

    $ terraform plan
    Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments...
    Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments...
    │ Error: Module source has changed
    │    on main.tf line 17, in module "terraform-module":
    │   17:   source = "git::ssh://git@github.com/pet2cattle/terraform-module.git?ref=1.0.2"  The source address was changed since this module was installed. Run "terraform init" to install all modules required by this configuration.


  • CoreDNS on Kubernetes: Allow DNS zone transfer

    3 min read

    kubernetes CoreDNS

    Kubernetes, by default, registers all the Pods and services using the cluster.local DNS zone. At some point we might want to be able to take a look at this zone. Zone transfers are going to be restricted by default:

    dnstools# dig axfr cluster.local
    ; <<>> DiG 9.11.3 <<>> axfr cluster.local
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ; Transfer failed.

    But if we are using CoreDNS, we can configure it to temporally allow zone transfers to be able to take a look at it


  • How to test terraform's HCL code

    2 min read

    terraform console HCL

    To be able to learn about new terraform functions we can use terraform output to learn how a variable is modified. But this can take a while if we have a lot of resources to compute.

    Instead, if we know the values we want to use beforehand it might be easier and quicker to use terraform console


  • terraform: How to calculate subnets using the cidrsubnet function

    3 min read

    If we are using terraform for creating subnets on AWS we are going to need to split the VPC's network range into several pieces, one for each AZ. We can let terraform handle all the details by using the cidrsubnet() function


  • Keeping the terraform state in a Kubernetes Secret

    2 min read

    terraform state Kubernetes Secret

    Storing the terraform state into a S3 bucket with dynamoDB for locking has become the de facto standard for being able to share the state across an organization. Nevertheless, there are interesting alternatives: We can use a Kubernetes Secret


  • terraform: Get the latest AMI id

    2 min read

    Terraform AWS AMI datasource latest

    Hard coding values is never a good idea, using the aws_ami datasource we can query AWS to fetch the latest AMI available, or any AMI really, as long as we properly set the filters so than just one AMI is selected.


  • Kubernetes: Autoscaling using Prometheus as a external metrics provider

    5 min read

    kubernetes hpa prometheus external metrics

    Using an external metrics provider (Kubernetes 1.10+) we can use an HorizontalPodAutoscaler to automatically scale applications using any metric collected by Prometheus. Let's take a look on how to configure it


  • Building container images on Kubernetes with Kaniko

    3 min read

    kaniko docker build Kubernetes

    When trying to build container images on Kubernetes we might be tempted to use the Docker in Docker approach: To do this you'll need to:

    • Run a docker daemon on the nodes, either as a service or as a container runtime (which it is deprecated since 1.20)
    • Allow the Pod to communicate with docker's socket

    This approach is considered a security risk and it should be avoided.

    As alternative, we can use kaniko: It is a tool to build container images inside containers (hence, Kubernetes clusters)



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