Helm: Get values for an installed application

helm get values

2 min read | by Jordi Prats

When we already have some applicacions installed using helm we might need to retrieve the values we used to install the same application somewhere else. To do so we can use helm get values

We just need to specify the applicacion and it's namespace to retrieve the values we used to install it:

$ helm get values longhorn -n longhorn-system
  enabled: true
  host: longhorn.local

If we did not specify any values at all, it's value is going to be null:

$ helm get values longhorn -n longhorn-system

If we are not sure which name we choose for the application, we can use helm list to get a list:

$ helm list -A
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION  UPDATED                                 STATUS    CHART                 APP VERSION
cert-manager    cert-manager    1         2021-11-26 19:53:18.816330466 +0100 CET deployed  cert-manager-v1.6.1   v1.6.1     
home-assistant  home-assistant  5         2021-11-29 23:35:06.307023169 +0100 CET deployed  home-assistant-11.2.0 2021.6.3   
longhorn        longhorn-system 1         2021-11-23 19:27:23.492973449 +0100 CET deployed  longhorn-1.2.2        v1.2.2     
minio-operator  minio-operator  1         2021-11-23 19:27:25.304473119 +0100 CET deployed  minio-operator-4.3.4  v4.3.4     
nextcloud       nextcloud       19        2021-11-28 19:51:20.634092244 +0100 CET deployed  nextcloud-2.10.0      22.2.3     
traefik         kube-system     1         2021-11-23 19:16:10.986372973 +0000 UTC deployed  traefik-9.18.2        2.4.8      
traefik-crd     kube-system     1         2021-11-23 19:16:09.165487283 +0000 UTC deployed  traefik-crd-9.18.2    

Posted on 02/12/2021
