• Backup and restore a K3S cluster

    3 min read

    k3s backup restore etcd

    If we have a K3S Kubernetes cluster that we want to create a backup of, we can use the k3s etcd-snapshot, but that's just going to backup the information related to Pods and other Kubernetes objects, it won't backup data that resides outside of the cluster such as disks (PersistentVolumes, emptyDirs, ...), or even it's state.

    Having clarified that we are just going to backup some of the data, let's take a look how to do it.


  • Install a multi-master K3S cluster with embedded etcd

    2 min read

    k3s embedded etcd multi-master cluster

    K3s has added full support for embedded etcd as of release v1.19.5+k3s1, so now we can create a multi-master cluster without the need of having an external MySQL database



From pet to cattle
Treat your kubernetes clusters like cattle, not pets