3 min read
Docker is a popular tool for deploying and running applications in a containerized environment. One of the important features of Docker is the ability to define a command to be executed when a container is started. This command can be specified in the Dockerfile using two keyword: ENTRYPOINT and CMD.
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To be able to build a Docker image we might need some packages that we won't be using at runtime, an example of this would be the compiler or any of the tools we might be using to build it (make, ant, maven...)
Instead of installing the tools to remove them later on while building the Docker image we can use a multistage build so we can just copy the artifacts we need to the final image.
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Docker has the ability to handle multi architecture containers: Using the same container image and tag we can deploy it on multiple architectures such as Intel and ARM. Since a docker container is composed of multiple layers it will just use one or another depending on the architecture we are running it. From the user perspective there's no difference on it's usage, but how do we build them?