3 min read
One of the great things about using nerdctl is that it does not try to include everything you might need. This means that if you try to build a container using nerdctl you'll realize you still need to install the buildkit (unless you have installed the "nerdctl-full" version)
Moreover it's something you don't actually need to have installed locally:
$ nerdctl build --help | grep buildkit
Build an image from a Dockerfile. Needs buildkitd to be running.
--buildkit-host string BuildKit address [$BUILDKIT_HOST] (default "unix:///run/user/1000/buildkit/buildkitd.sock")
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Docker has the ability to handle multi architecture containers: Using the same container image and tag we can deploy it on multiple architectures such as Intel and ARM. Since a docker container is composed of multiple layers it will just use one or another depending on the architecture we are running it. From the user perspective there's no difference on it's usage, but how do we build them?