• IAM Privileges: How to check what privileges are being used

    3 min read

    AWS cli iam privileges

    When we are working with IAM roles, it's essential to make sure that the permissions we are granting exactly what we need: No more, no less.

    The AWS SDK provides a way to check what privileges are being used by a role, group, or user. This can help us to fine-tune the permissions we are granting and remove any unnecessary privileges.


  • AWS cli: How to add/update settings in the AWS Parameter Store

    2 min read

    AWS cli ssm parameter store put-parameter

    AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store is a service that helps you centralize and manage these configurations, secrets, and parameters without hardcoding sensitive information in your application code.


  • AWS CLI: Configuring authentication and profiles

    2 min read

    aws awscli SDK authentication profiles

    With the .aws/config and .aws/credentials files we can are used for configuring and authenticating for the AWS cli or any tool that uses the AWS SDK with AWS.

    Each file has a different purpose:

    • ~/.aws/config: This file stores configuration settings for AWS CLI and SDKs, including profiles, regions, output format, and roles to assume.
    • ~/.aws/credentials: This file holds AWS access key IDs and secret access keys.


  • AWS CLI in alpine

    1 min read

    alpine awscli pip

    The AWS CLI is a command line interface for interacting with AWS services. To install it in an Alpine-based container we can use pip instead of going thru all the trouble of downloading a zip and install it by running some script.


  • Indentify whether we are running an spot instance using AWS CLI

    2 min read

    On a running instance we might want to be able to identify whether it is a spot or on demand instance. We can use awscli to identify it



From pet to cattle
Treat your kubernetes clusters like cattle, not pets