• Monitoring APIRequestCount in OpenShift

    2 min read

    OpenShift APIRequestCount monitoring API usage

    Openshift provides an object that tracks the number of requests made to the Kubernetes API server. It provides insights into the load on the cluster, the performance of applications, and helps in capacity planning. By monitoring APIRequestCount, you can identify potential bottlenecks, detect unusual spikes in traffic, and optimize resource allocation.

    $ kubectl get apirequestcounts
    NAME                                                                           REMOVEDINRELEASE   REQUESTSINCURRENTHOUR   REQUESTSINLAST24H
    alertmanagerconfigs.v1alpha1.monitoring.coreos.com                                                6                       1706
    alertmanagers.v1.monitoring.coreos.com                                                            20                      2891
    apiservices.v1.apiregistration.k8s.io                                                             994                     99521


  • OpenShift 3.11 - custom default route certificate failing with certificate has expired or is not yet valid

    2 min read

    OpenShift Route certificate has expired or is not yet valid default router-certs

    After trying to set a custom default certificate for the OpenShift routes we might see how it's Pods starts crashing:

    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    router-10-rh8vf               1/1     Running            0          32m
    router-10-f2dt2               0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6          7m
    router-10-m45b7               1/1     Running            0          31m

    Checking it's logs we'll get a quite misleading message:

    $ kubectl logs router-10-f2dt2 -n default
    Error from server: Get https://some.openshift.cluster:10250/containerLogs/default/router-10-f2dt2/router: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid


  • Running tcpdump on an OpenShift cluster

    3 min read

    OpenShift tcpdump troubleshooting

    If we want to take a look at the network traffic that we get out of an OpenShift node we can use the oc debug command to spin up a privileged pod with tcpdump installed. This way we don't need to ssh into the worker node.


  • OpenShift: disabling the web console

    2 min read

    OpenShift web console disable openshift-console

    When running an OpenShift cluster we'll find that it exposes a web-based console that not only allows you to deploy applications, but also managing the cluster. However, since it is an additional way to access the cluster we might have some concerns about it, specially from the security perspective. Specifically, the console can be a potential attack vector to gain unauthorized access to the cluster. Let's see how to disable it.


  • OpenShift: Using oc-mirror to create image mirrors for air gapped environments

    4 min read

    OpenShift mirror air gapped container image ImageContentSourcePolicy

    Combining oc-mirror with ImageContentSourcePolicy we can configure image mirrors for container images in OpenShift. We can use it to setup air gapped environments: The images won't be available for the source repository, just from the internal mirror. This way we can audit them before allowing our cluster to use them



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