2 min read | by Jordi Prats
Sometimes we all end up writing small one-liners to perform some daily tasks with kubectl, it can come handy to create kubectl plugin to be able to add a command that does precisely that for us. Let's see how to add a custom command to kubectl:
Let's assume you usually end up triggering a rollout restart for some deploys like this:
for i in $(kubectl get deploy --no-headers | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep pet2cattle); do kubectl rollout restart deploy $i; done
Or just all of the deploys on the namespace
for i in $(kubectl get deploy --no-headers | awk '{ print $1 }'); do kubectl rollout restart deploy $i; done
We can write a simple bash script to do so:
DEPLOY_LIST=$(kubectl get deploy --no-headers | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep "$1")
for i in $DEPLOY_LIST;
kubectl rollout restart deploy $i;
if [ $# -gt 0 ];
if [ "$1" == "--help" ];
echo "Usage: kubectl deployrestart <namefilter>"
exit 0
for each in "$@";
restart_deploy $each
When kubectl doesn't have builtin the command we are requesting, it looks for executable files on the PATH named as follows:
Hence to transform it into a kubectl plugin we just need to put this file anywhere on the PATH (for example ~/.local/bin) so that kubectl can find it. If we name it kubectl-deployrestart we will be able to use it as kubectl deployrestart:
$ kubectl deployrestart --help
Usage: kubectl deployrestart <namefilter>
Posted on 10/06/2022