• Remove resources from the terraform state without deleting them

    3 min read

    terraform state remove resource terraform state rm

    Terraform keeps a list of managed objects on it's state, if for some reason we no longer want terraform to manage them we can remove them from the code base. Doing so we will see how terraform will try to delete them:

    $ terraform plan
    Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 10 to destroy.


  • kubectl uncordon: mark node as schedulable

    1 min read

    uncordon kubectl

    Using kubectl drain you can evict pods and disabled scheduling for a node so you can proceed with some maintenance. Once this maintenance is over we will need to allow pods to be scheduled to this node, removing the SchedulingDisabled:

    $ kubectl get nodes
    NAME                    STATUS                     ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
    nauvoo.pet2cattle.com   Ready                      control-plane,master   19d     v1.20.4+k3s1
    tycho.pet2cattle.com    Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>                 9m25s   v1.20.4+k3s1


  • AWS CLI manage files on an S3 bucket

    2 min read

    Using the AWS CLI we can perform most operations for files sitting on a S3 bucket such as: list, copy, rename, cat, etc...


  • kubernetes: Adding initContainers to a pod

    2 min read

    initContainers pod kubectl

    When setting up a pod we might need to populate some shared storage or generate some configuration files to be used for the actual containers that are going to run on that pod. It might not make sense that some tools just required for the setting up the environment to be available on the final container. Futhermore, we might need to run some scripts with higher privileges than we really need for running the pod. The initContainers come handy for covering this use-cases.


  • git: Apply commit to another branch

    2 min read

    When we have a change (commit) that we want to apply to several branches we can use git cherry-pick.


  • Rename resources from the terraform state

    3 min read

    terraform refactor state move resource Infrastructure as Code

    When handling Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with terraform, refactoring the code might cause terraform to try to delete the existing resources an recreate them using a different name:

      # module.jenkins.module.worker.module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_policy.kms_read_policy will be destroyed
      # module.jenkins.module.worker.module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_policy.ssm_read_policy will be destroyed
      # module.jenkins.module.worker.module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.kms_read_policy_attachment will be destroyed
      # module.jenkins.module.worker.module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ssm_role_policy_attachment will be destroyed
      # module.jenkins.module.worker.module.kms-parameter-store.aws_kms_alias.kms_key_alias will be destroyed
      # module.jenkins.module.worker.module.kms-parameter-store.aws_kms_key.kms_key will be destroyed
      # module.jenkins.module.worker[0].module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_policy.kms_read_policy will be created
      # module.jenkins.module.worker[0].module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_policy.ssm_read_policy will be created
      # module.jenkins.module.worker[0].module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.kms_read_policy_attachment will be created
      # module.jenkins.module.worker[0].module.kms-parameter-store.aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ssm_role_policy_attachment will be created
      # module.jenkins.module.worker[0].module.kms-parameter-store.aws_kms_alias.kms_key_alias will be created
      # module.jenkins.module.worker[0].module.kms-parameter-store.aws_kms_key.kms_key will be created

    While in some cases it's just fine to destroy the resources and recreate them back, in other cases it can cause a undesired service interruption just for deleting all the resources and recreate them back exactly with the same settings using slightly different name on the terraform state.

    We can avoid it by renaming the resources in the terraform state to the name terraform is expecting


  • Create a helm chart template

    2 min read

    helm template chart

    To get started creating a helm chart on our own there are some common structure that we can reuse from chart to chart: We can let helm create the basic structure for us


  • How to release a helm chart on our own repo

    2 min read

    helm repo release package

    To be able to create a release of a helm chart we will need to first, create the package and then generate / update the index.yaml for being able to serve it as a repo using any webserver of our choice


  • Kubernetes Ingress: Required value: pathType must be specified

    1 min read

    Ingress kubernetes pathType pathType must be specified

    While upgrading Ingress objects to networking.k8s.io/v1 you'll find out, among other changes that now the pathType is a required option:

    spec.rules[0].http.paths[0].pathType: Required value: pathType must be specified, spec.rules[0].http.paths[1].pathType: Required value: pathType must be specified


  • Troubleshoot Kubernetes service not being resolved

    2 min read

    unresolving kubernetes service DNS

    When you create a Kubernetes Service, pods from within the same namespace should be able to resolve it's IP by name. For example, if we create a service named ampa-votacions; any pod from the same namespace should be able to resolve it's IP. But sometimes it can't be resolved:

    $ kubectl exec -it ampa-install-ws7cw -- sh
    / $ nslookup ampa-votacions
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.us-west-2.compute.internal: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.ampa.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.ampa.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN
    ** server can't find ampa-votacions.us-west-2.compute.internal: NXDOMAIN



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Treat your kubernetes clusters like cattle, not pets